Long Hauler Recovery Program

Many of you have requested Ayurveda information on the Covid 19 Long-Hauler Recovery, as the pandemic continues around the world. You may like to connect with my latest Bits & Tips FB posting about how long haulers can benefit from the unique and effective science of Rasayana or re-building according to Ayurveda.

The Dina Charya or daily routines of Ayurveda are still today the best investment of one’s time and effort for recovery from now-deep-seated symptoms such as breathlessness, exhaustion, inflammation, weight changes, skin outbreaks, cardiac symptoms, depression and neurological debility. A unique program must be tailored for best-targeted results.

Practitioners are welcome to join the Covid Long Haul Management online course on how to best tailor your individual client recovery program to their unique symptom picture, through the lens of Ayurveda, the world’s oldest holistic health science.